تصویر در باره شرکت پولاد پویش

Poolad Pooyesh Company

Poolad Pooyesh, a subsidiary of Poolad Industrial Group, was established in 2001 targeting the plastic packaging segment of the food and beverage industry. At Poolad Pooyesh we have used our 44 years of knowledge and experience in injection moulding technology to provide packaging solutions to a wide range of industries including food and beverage, cosmetic and beauty, health and hygiene, pharmaceutical and more.

update date updated at 2023-01-25 08:21:01

تصویر در باره شرکت پولاد پویش

PET preform production

Production of PET preforms began with the establishment of Poolad Pooyesh in 2002. Today, with the installation of 35 production lines, specially designed for the production of PET preforms, along with a vast variety of preform molds, we have come to be the largest and the most divers producer of this product in the country, and we continue to further diversify our range of products every year.

update date updated at 2023-01-25 08:21:01

تصویر در باره شرکت پولاد پویش

Production of IML containers

The production of thin-wall packaging containers at Poolad Pooyesh began in 2013, aiming to supply the packaging needs a broader segment of the industry in both domestic and overseas markets. Given our vast product diversity, we are able to serve a wide range of industries such as food, dairy, confections, ice-cream, chocolate, jam, nuts, dried fruits, tobacco, food delivery, restaurants, and more.

update date updated at 2023-01-25 08:21:01