• Poolad Industrial group shines in the global market research report
    Poolad Industrial group shines in the global market research report

Update date 2023-02-09 10:22:07 update date

Poolad Industrial group shines in the global market research report

According to the report that was recently published on the Global Market Research media about the development of the global PET bottle market, Poolad Industrial Group’s name was proudly mentioned as one of the Key Players in the Asian market, at the global level. This report focuses on the rapid expansion of the global PET resin, preform, and bottle markets which have been predicted to significantly develop within the 2023 to 2031 period. This report has used integrated approaches in the global PET market, including: quality (durability, transparency and light weighting), history of activity, daily production volume and supply to the market using modern methods, to evaluate the key manufacturing companies in the Asian market. The inclusion of Poolad Industrial Group’s name in this report as one of the key players in the Asian market shows that the continuous efforts of our team in the field of designing and producing PET bottle preforms within the pas two decades have positively impacted the global market, and has also made us more determined to continue on this path.

Source: Global Market Research

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